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Decking Vs. Paving: Permeable Hardscape Choices (Defined)

Discover the Surprising Benefits of Permeable Hardscape Choices: Decking Vs. Paving for Your Outdoor Space.

Step Action Novel Insight Risk Factors
1 Define permeable hardscape Permeable hardscape refers to a type of outdoor flooring that allows water to pass through it and into the ground below. This type of hardscape is designed to reduce runoff and improve drainage, making it an environmentally-friendly choice for landscaping design. None
2 Compare decking and paving Decking and paving are two common types of hardscape used in outdoor spaces. Decking is typically made of wood or composite materials and is designed to be a low-maintenance, cost-effective option. Paving, on the other hand, is made of concrete or stone and is often used for driveways and walkways. While both options can be permeable, decking is generally more porous and allows for better water retention. None
3 Consider maintenance and cost When choosing between decking and paving, it’s important to consider factors such as maintenance and cost. While decking may be more cost-effective upfront, it may require more maintenance over time. Paving, on the other hand, may be more expensive initially but may require less maintenance in the long run. None
4 Evaluate environmental impact Permeable hardscape choices are an environmentally-friendly option for landscaping design. By allowing water to pass through, they can help reduce runoff and improve drainage. This can help prevent erosion and protect nearby water sources. None
5 Choose the best option for your needs When choosing between decking and paving, it’s important to consider your specific needs and preferences. If you’re looking for a low-maintenance, cost-effective option, decking may be the best choice. If you’re looking for a more durable, long-lasting option, paving may be a better fit. Ultimately, the decision will depend on your individual needs and budget. None


  1. What is Permeable Hardscape and Why is it Important in Landscaping Design?
  2. Maintenance-Free Options for Cost-Effective Permeable Hardscaping Choices
  3. Common Mistakes And Misconceptions

What is Permeable Hardscape and Why is it Important in Landscaping Design?

Step Action Novel Insight Risk Factors
1 Define permeable hardscape Permeable hardscape refers to hard surfaces that allow water to pass through them, such as porous pavement or decking with gaps between the boards. None
2 Explain the importance of permeable hardscape in landscaping design Permeable hardscape is important because it helps manage stormwater runoff and reduce the environmental impact of landscaping. Traditional paving can cause water runoff and soil erosion, but permeable hardscape allows water to be absorbed into the ground and replenish the water table. This can also help with water conservation and reduce the need for a drainage system. Additionally, permeable hardscape can contribute to sustainable landscaping and low-impact development (LID) techniques, which are becoming increasingly important in urban areas. None
3 Describe some examples of permeable hardscape Porous pavement, decking with gaps between the boards, and green infrastructure such as rain gardens are all examples of permeable hardscape. None
4 Explain the risks associated with traditional paving Traditional paving can contribute to the urban heat island effect, which can increase temperatures in urban areas and have negative impacts on human health and the environment. Additionally, traditional paving can contribute to water runoff and soil erosion, which can have negative impacts on local ecosystems. None
5 Discuss the benefits of using permeable hardscape in landscaping design Using permeable hardscape can help manage stormwater runoff, reduce the environmental impact of landscaping, contribute to sustainable landscaping and LID techniques, and reduce the risks associated with traditional paving. None

Maintenance-Free Options for Cost-Effective Permeable Hardscaping Choices

Step Action Novel Insight Risk Factors
1 Consider using low-maintenance materials such as recycled plastic decking, composite decking materials, and artificial turf lawns. Recycled plastic decking is made from recycled materials and is resistant to rot, insects, and moisture. Composite decking materials are made from a combination of wood fibers and plastic and are durable and long-lasting. Artificial turf lawns require no watering, mowing, or fertilizing. Recycled plastic decking may not be as aesthetically pleasing as other materials. Composite decking materials may be more expensive than other options. Artificial turf lawns may not be suitable for all climates.
2 Use paving stones, concrete pavers, or interlocking pavers for a permeable hardscaping choice. Paving stones, concrete pavers, and interlocking pavers are durable and require little maintenance. They are also available in a variety of colors and styles. Paving stones, concrete pavers, and interlocking pavers may be more expensive than other options.
3 Consider using porous asphalt or porous concrete blocks for a permeable hardscaping choice. Porous asphalt and porous concrete blocks allow water to seep through, reducing runoff and preventing erosion. Porous asphalt and porous concrete blocks may be more expensive than other options.
4 Use gravel driveways or crushed stone walkways for a cost-effective permeable hardscaping choice. Gravel driveways and crushed stone walkways are affordable and require little maintenance. They also provide good drainage. Gravel driveways and crushed stone walkways may not be suitable for all climates. They may also require periodic re-grading.
5 Consider using rubber mulch surfaces or wood chips and bark mulch for a permeable hardscaping choice. Rubber mulch surfaces and wood chips and bark mulch are affordable and require little maintenance. They also provide good drainage. Rubber mulch surfaces may not be suitable for all climates. Wood chips and bark mulch may attract insects and require periodic replacement.
6 Create a rain garden to capture and filter rainwater. Rain gardens are designed to capture and filter rainwater, reducing runoff and preventing erosion. They also provide habitat for wildlife. Rain gardens require periodic maintenance, including weeding and pruning. They may also attract mosquitoes if not properly designed and maintained.

Common Mistakes And Misconceptions

Mistake/Misconception Correct Viewpoint
Decking is always more expensive than paving. The cost of decking and paving can vary depending on the materials used, installation process, and maintenance requirements. It’s important to compare prices for both options before making a decision.
Paving is always more durable than decking. Both decking and paving can be durable if they are made from high-quality materials and installed correctly. However, some types of decking may require more maintenance over time compared to certain types of pavers.
Permeable hardscapes are only necessary in areas with heavy rainfall or flooding issues. Permeable hardscapes offer benefits beyond just managing stormwater runoff, such as reducing heat island effects and improving air quality by allowing water to filter through the ground instead of collecting pollutants on hard surfaces like pavement or concrete slabs. They can be beneficial in any location where there is impervious surface coverage that needs to be reduced for environmental reasons or aesthetic purposes.
Decking requires less maintenance than paving. While some types of decking may require less maintenance compared to certain types of pavers, it ultimately depends on the specific material used for each option as well as factors such as climate conditions and foot traffic levels in the area where they are installed.
Paving offers more design options than decking. Both options offer a wide range of design choices including color, texture, pattern etc., so it really comes down to personal preference when deciding which one will work best for your project.